The financial system of Bangladesh

The financial system of Bangladesh Financial System of Bangladesh Introduction: Financial system of Bangladesh is getting emerged with the assistance of Bangladesh Bank, powered by Bangladesh Bank Order 1972, which is now acting as regulatory body of financial institutes. Under the guardianship of Bangladesh Bank, 56 scheduled banks and 31 […]

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ORIGIN AND  GROWTH  OF BANKING The origin of commercial banking can be traceable in the early times of human history. In the ancient Rome and Greece, the practice of storing precious metals and coins at safe places and loaning out money for public and private purposes on interest was prevalent. […]

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Agricultural Credit Department

Agricultural Credit Department Circulars/Circulars Letters 1-100 (Updated on 15.02.2016) Publish- Date Title Link Published by: Agricultural Credit Department 05/01/16 ACD Circular Letter No. 01: Regarding disbursement of 22/12/15 02/11/15 ACD Circular Letter No. 04 : Agricultural loan disbursement 25/08/15 ACD Circular Letter No. 03 : Refinance scheme on Milk 02/08/15 ACD […]

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Know your customer

Know your customer KYC Policy: 1) Customer Acceptance 2) Customer Identification 3) Monitoring of Transactions 4) Risk Management   Definition of a Customer: (i) A person or entity (a)   Maintaining an account with the Bank, or (b) Has a business relationship with the Bank (including borrowers/guarantors of loans, Demat account […]

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Information-sharing meetings

Information-sharing meetings Information-sharing meetings differ from problem -solving How do information-sharing meetings differ from problem -solving or decision making? Ans. Meeting are called to solve problems or share information. Information-sharing meeting is a sitting of a group people for proper decision on a discussing matter/topic. Meeting can be an extremely […]

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Shariah Shariah: The basic principle of the Shariah which serves as guide line in this respects is that if there is more than one provider of capital to a business undertaking, profits can be distributed among them in proportions mutually agreed upon, but losses, if any have to be borne […]

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