Etiquette in Banking and Human Life
What does etiquette mean?
Etiquette is being polite. It is good manners.
Etiquette is a code of conduct, both written and unwritten, for basic behavior that is socially expected from individuals in a society based on cultural norms. These behaviors include the proper way of socially interacting with others, guidelines for handling yourself in public, to the manner of dress that is considered acceptable for various occasions and circumstances.
Here are some examples:
When around others it is not acceptable to sneeze directly into the surrounding environment. Instead, turn your head and sneeze into the crook of your arm, and then say “excuse me.”
It is proper etiquette when entering a building to hold the door open momentarily for persons who are entering behind you to avoid the door closing quickly and slamming up against them.
It is proper etiquette to say please, thank you, and excuse me, as prompted by the particular situation.
It is proper etiquette to send out a thank-you letter following a job interview.
It is proper etiquette to send out thank-you cards to persons whom have given you gifts, advice, or have done a favor for you. If you need help with wording your letters, here’s a great place to find free professionally-written thank-you note wording examples in more than 30 categories:
It is proper etiquette to be pleasant and courteous to others, and to refrain from inappropriate negative remarks or use of foul language in public
Etiquettes For Wedding Reception
If you are planning not to invite children at your wedding reception, then either pass a word through friends, family or give a one liner in the bottom of the invitation card saying “adults reception”. Never write “no children allowed”. You can also skip to write children names on the card. Another way would be to mention the number of people you want to be present on the reception.
You can mention phrases like “we hope that (particular number of people) will join us”, “seats have been reserved for (names of people)”.
If someone has not replied to your invitation, call and confirm as to whether he/she has received the invite or not. Many a times, it so happens that posts do not reach or get misplaced on the way.
Bride and Groom
Brides may select colors like ivory or pastel shades for the wedding gown. Whatever be the choice, make sure that the attire is decent and good to look at. Grooms can, on the other hand, preferably choose tuxedo or a business suit. The groom should wear black shiny shoes and a tie.
Both the bride and the groom should enter the reception venue only after the guests have arrived.
The master of the reception should call the bride, groom and their families in a specific order. It starts from the parents and ends with the couple. The wedding party comes in the following order: Bride’s parents, groom’s parents, bride’s men, ushers, maid of honor, best man, flower girl and finally, the bride and groom.
The bride and groom should welcome and greet the guests as they enter and walk to their specified seats; usually it has a reception line.
Agreed it is your wedding and the happiest day of your life. But that doesn’t give you an authority to drink too much alcohol. Excess or overdrinking would not only show you in bad light, but you may also end up making a fool of yourself.
The guests, upon receiving the invitation card, must send a reply to the couple before the reception date, congratulating the couple and informing them as to whether or not would they be able to attend the reception.
In case you get late and reach the venue only after the commencement of the ceremony, walk quietly and find a seat.
Buy a gift for a couple. The gift should be such that it can be usable by both. If, in case, you had already mailed the gift, then don’t bring another gift at the reception.
Guests should pay for their transportation and accommodation.
If you don’t eat the kind of food available at the reception, never make a fuss out of it. Either try them for a new taste or don’t eat and definitely, don’t pass a comment.
While offering a toast to the bride and the groom, stand up and give the speech in a clear audible voice. You can include a short or funny incident about how the two met. However, the speech must not exceed for more than five minutes, lest you bore the listeners.
Let the DJ or other person call the bride and groom.
Be conservative while you dance. Don’t dance very fast or with proactive moves.
Seating Plan
The family of the groom should sit in the left side and that of the bride at the right side.
The relatives and friends should sit at the back.
Wedding Gifts
Do not open the gifts during the reception in front of the attendees.
Follow the etiquettes given above and make your wedding reception one of the most memorable events of your life.
Etiquette for Bank Employees
There are few Etiquette for Bank Employees:
1. Attitude toward Customers
Bank employees who meet the public are in effect doing public relations work on behalf of the bank. The friendlier the greeting and the service, the more good will towards the institution is felt by the customer. Make every effort to call steady customers by name. Never argue when a question of accuracy is raised;have it checked and give the answer as graciously as possible.
2.Handling requests for information.
All requests for information about accounts or records should be referred to officers or department heads. No matter how trivial the question, don’t give answers over the telephone if you don’t recognize the caller’s voice. Unless you are in a position of some authority, it is wiser for you not to answer questions in regard to bank policy.
3. Personal Visitors.
Friends in businesses naturally stop to say hello especially they are in the bank or in the middle of businesses. It’s ok to do that during break hours and request to be invited, behind the scenes.
4. Personal Life.
Anyone who works in a bank will learn to be prudent about certain aspects of his or her personal life. Personal debts are frowned upon, for one thing; speeches and written articles usually must be cleared by a bank official, and permission must be granted to anyone wishing to run for office.
5. Safety regulations.
Smoking at work is forbidden by banks for the simple reason that everyone is working near or handling paper currency, securities, and other valuable papers. One slight accident could cause damage totaling thousands or millions of dollars. Smoking is confined to restricted areas such as lounges.
Rules about locking up or putting things away at closing time also must be strictly adhered to.
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