Money laundering means billions of pounds and dollars a year are laundered through our financial systems. The methods used to launder money
CASH TRANSACTIONS REPORT (CTR) AND STR) CASH TRANSACTIONS REPORT (CTR) AND SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTION REPORT (STR) What is Money Laundering? On the basis of “Money Laundering Act 2002, Money Laundering” means Properties acquired or earned directly or indirectly through illegal means & Illegal transfer, conversion, concealment of location or assistance in […]
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Cash Transactions Report (CTR) And Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) Recognition of Suspicious Transactions As types of transactions that may be used by money launderer are almost unlimited, it is difficult to define a suspicious transaction. Suspicion is personal and subjective and falls far short of proof based on firm evidence. […]
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Features of Money Laundering Money laundering means billions of pounds and dollars a year are laundered through our financial systems. The methods used to launder money are similar whether it’s for white-collar crimes such as tax evasion, people/drug trafficking, or proceeds from fraud and internet scams. Anti Money Laundering Anti-Money […]
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