Precautionary Measures at Cash Counter to Fight against Covid-19 and other Contagious Diseases
Precautionary Measures at Cash Counter to Fight against Covid-19
Contagious: the communication of disease one person to another by close contact.
Epidemic: when a disease affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.
Pandemic: An epidemic disease that spreads over multiple countries’ continents.
Most common contagious disease:
1. COVID-19
2. Norovirus/Stomach flu/Food poisoning
3. Influenza
4. Pertussis ( Bordetela pertussis)/Whooping cough
5. STDs-Chlamydia,Genital herpes,Gonorrhea,Hep B,HIV/AIDS,Syphilis
6. MRSA(Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)-skin infection
7. Tuberculosis
8. Malaria
9. Smallpox…..etc
Precautionary Measures:
- During the COVID -19 outbreak, we all need to do our part to keep workers, customers, and the public safe and healthy so we can stop the spread.
- Below is a set of resources, tips, and best practices to help employers and employees prevent the spread of COVID 19 and work together.
Best practices:
Practicing physical distancing (staying 2 meters away from others), minimizing contact with droplets of mucous or saliva, keeping hands, surfaces, and objects clean, and preventing contact with potentially infected people-are all critical measures.
Recognize hazards and assess risk:
- People who are sick or have signs of illness (e.g. fever, coughing, runny nose, tiredness, shortness of breath) should self-isolate.
- Update your business voicemail-mail, social media, website, and other external communications to inform customers of changes to the business operations
- Provide clear information and instruction for frequent hand washing especially before and after each client interaction, using the face mask, sanitizing items and surfaces more frequently, and not touching their face.
Remind workers about available social and mental health supports, and encourage them to use these resources.
Eliminate or minimal exposure:
Physical distancing:
Install physical distancing markers throughout the reception area and other areas depending on the size of the facility to ensure customers maintain a physical distance of 2 meters.
Limit the number of workers working in one space so that they can distance themselves from each other.
Where possible, have their workstations or chairs positioned to maintain the physical distance
Disinfection and sanitizing:
Clean and disinfect or sterilize equipment such as work stations, pin pads, cash registers, cash drawers, counters, and other equipment’s between clients/employees
Provide hand sanitizers and sanitizing wipes for clients to use upon entry. Consider having them available near the entryway, waiting areas, reception, and other high traffic areas.
Provide a safe place for individuals to dispose of used sanitizing wipes and disposable protective equipment.
Surfaces that come in contact with customers must be disinfected prior to and after each customer service performed.
Hand hygiene:
Ensure all handwashing facilities are available and in good working order
Proper handwashing is key. Workers should avoid touching their faces. A hand sanitizer with a minimum alcohol content of 60% should be used frequently
To avoid droplet dispersion, encourage proper cough and sneeze etiquette.
Consider managing customer volume by using appointments and have them book online and by phone or virtually whenever possible
Remove chairs from the waiting area to make sure people do not sit close together or wait in groups
Any waiting area for your customers should have books, service menus, pens, and other frequently touched items removed. Reception desks should also have unnecessary items removed as well as pens, papers, etc.
Where possible, assign workers to ensure staff and customers are utilizing sanitizing materials, following physical distancing protocols, and screening for customers presenting COVID 19 related symptoms
Other control measures:
- Where appropriate, ventilate spaces by opening doors.
- Consider placing barriers in locations between yourself and the people or product you have interacted with
In addition to the above recommendations, employers should determine whether personal protective equipment (PPE) needs to be part of their hazard control plan - Evaluation
COVID 19 has presented all of us with challenges we have never seen before. It’s important to consider that any of the adjustments we are making today may need further adjustments tomorrow
For example, if you decided to use goggles but they are impeding your vision or making other tasks unnecessarily difficult, you may want to try a face shield instead.
• What is the common virus in the world: Hep B
• Natural anti virals :
pudina(basil),tulshi pata, surjomukhi bij(sun flower seed),misti kumrar bij(pumpkin seed),holud(turmeric),lebu(lemon)
How can I get rid of a virus infection? :
1. Take it easy
2. Go to bed
3. Plenty of drinks
4. Gargle with saltwater
5. Sip a hot beverage
6. Have a spoon full of honey
7. Anti-viral drugs:
Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir
Precautionary Measures at Cash Counter to Fight against Covid-19