Discuss the Characteristics of foreign trade or International Trade in Bangladesh

Characteristics of foreign trade or International Trade  in Bangladesh

Characteristics of foreign trade or International Trade  in Bangladesh Every foreign market has its own characteristics. It has own requirements, customs, traditions, weights and measures, marketing methods, etc. An extensive study of foreign markets is required to be successful in foreign trade, which may not be possessed by an ordinary […]

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Key Differences between Domestic and International Business

What are the key differences between domestic and International Business?

What are the key differences between domestic and International Business? Key Differences between Domestic and International Business Definition of Domestic business and International business  Domestic business is the kind of trade that is limited geographically within a country. A domestic business involves commercial exchanges that are only done within that country . A […]

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What are the Importance of International Business for economy

What are the Importance of International Business for economy?

What are the Importance of International Business for economy? What are the Importance of International Business for economy? The importance of international business: a) Earn foreign exchange: International business exports its goods and services all over the world. This helps to earn valuable foreign exchange. This foreign exchange is used […]

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Precautionary Measures at Cash Counter to Fight against Covid-19 and other Contagious Diseases

Precautionary Measures at Cash Counter to Fight against Covid-19 and other Contagious Diseases

Precautionary Measures at Cash Counter to Fight against Covid-19 and other Contagious Diseases Precautionary Measures at Cash Counter to Fight against Covid-19 Contagious: the communication of disease one person to another by close contact. Epidemic: when a disease affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region. […]

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Last one hour- global Banking news

Last one hour- global Banking news

Last one hour- global Banking news Last one hour- global Banking news 11.45 PM Margin compression is coming for Indian banks’ books, but not yet https://www.livemint.com/market/mark-to-market/margin-compression-is-coming-for-india-s-banks-but-not-yet-11614680879155.html Assessing goodwill impairment amid COVID-19 https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/news/2021/mar/assessing-goodwill-impairment-amid-coronavirus-pandemic.html Cevian calls on boards to end ‘ESG box checking’ and set pay targets European activist investor’s warning comes […]

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