EXP Forms issued in quadruplicate & numbered serially. Signed by the exporter & certified by the branch. EXP Forms are properly entered in register with full particulars before issuance of the same.
The certified sets are to be submitted to the custom authority along with shipping documents by the exporter. The custom authority will fill up the necessary portion & return the duplicate, triplicate & quadruplicate copies to the exporter for submission of the same to the branch
Branch should take care not to issues fresh EXP – From for the same consignment. If second EXP – Form is issued then the first EXP- Form will be kept unreconcilled in Bangladesh Bank. The utilization of the sets of EXP Form are as:
01. Original Custom authority forwarded it to Bangladesh Bank
02. Duplicate Branch submits to Bangladesh Bank within 14 days from the date of shipment of goods
03 Triplicate Branch reports to Bangladesh Bank after repatriation of the export proceeds
04. Quadruplicate Remains as the office copy of the branch.
(a) EXP Form Register:
i. Full particulars of EXP Form should be entered in the register & specimen is given below.
ii. A separate folio should be allotted in each exporter in the register for the purpose of recording the particulars of the EXP Form as well as to ensure that the relative forms are submitted to the branch along with the shipping documents allowed by the customs.
iii. If no shipment could be made with in a reasonable time, the exporters concerned should be asked to surrender the unused EXP Forms for customs.
iv. The cancelled EXP Forms should be filed in the file of the respective exporter.
- Sl.
- No. EXP
- Forms No. Exporter
- particulars Commodity
- Amount in
- EXP Form Date of
- certified Certified
- officer’s Initial Date of shipment
- Bill
- No. Date of
- Negotiation Date of
- Submission Of Duplicate EXP
- Date of Realization
- Amount realized in F.C Amount
- Paid to Exporter ( Exchange Rate)
- Date of Submission Of Duplicate
(b) Declaration on EXP Form
Before exporting any commodity, the exporter is required to declare on EXP Form, the full particulars of the export showing description, quantity, grade & value of exports as well as the country of imports, to the custom officer at the export point, under taking to repatriate the full export value to Bangladesh with in a period of 04 months through a Bank in Bangladesh. All the copies are to be properly & correctly filled in & signed by the exporter or his authorized agent before the same is submitted to customers.
(c) Checking of EXP Form
On receipt of the EXP Form the same shall have to be scrutinized to ensure the following:
i. All receipt of the EXP Form have been properly filled in & duly signed by the exporter or his authorized agent as recorded with the branch.
ii. The exporter is registered with CCI & E & the valid export registration number has been quoted on the EXP Form correctly.
iii. Arrangement has been made with the branch for payment of custom duty on export where applicable.
iv. Goods intended for export are permissible for export as per foreign exchange regulation.
(d) Certification of EXP Forms
Before issuing any EXP Form to an exporter the branch is required to give certificate in all the copies. The authorized official of the branch under proper stamp of the branch should sign this certificate. The customs officials will not accept declaration on the EXP Form unless all the copies bear the aforesaid certificate. In order to avoid any loss of foreign exchange to the country, branch should not certify any EXP Form unless they have satisfied themselves with regard of the following points.
i. About the bonafide to the exporter & foreign buyer, if necessary by making enquiry through foreign correspondents.
ii. The arrangements made for realization of full export proceeds covered by the relative EXP Form with in specific period.
iii. Arrangements has been made for receipt of title of goods like bill of lading, airway bill etc by the branch on shipment of the underlying goods.
iv. The EXP Form is signed either by the exporter or one holding valid legal power of attorney such that both the exporter & their attorney may be held responsible jointly & severally for repatriation of export proceeds.
v. In case of exports on CAD, T.R, D.A, care should be taken, as any L/C does not back terms of export.
vi. If shipment is proposed to be made against a charter party B/L, necessary confidential reports of the charter party should be obtained.
(e) Disposal of EXP Form by Customs
After passing the goods for export, the custom authority will certify with date of shipment of goods, on all of the EXP Form & forward the original copy (exchange control copy) to Bangladesh Bank & remaining 3 – copies to the exporter for forward transmission to the branch, who citified the EXP Form.
(f) Submission of EXP (second & third copy) to Bangladesh Bank
i. After shipment the branch will certify the duplicate copy of EXP Form under seal & signature & forward it to Bangladesh Bank with in 14 days from date of shipment along with a certified copy of commercial invoice.
ii. On receipt of the realization of export proceeds branch will certify triplicate copy of EXP Form & forward the same to Bangladesh Bank along with monthly statement supported by A-I schedule.
Exemption from Exchange Control Procedure
The following items are exempted from declaration on EXP Form
i. Bonafide trade samples sent by registered exporter up to the value prescribed in Export policy in force.
ii. Personal effects whether accompanied, of travelers
iii. Gift packet of less than Tk. 50/- where no transaction in foreign exchange is involved.
iv. Ships stores, transshipment cargo.
v. Goods shipped under order of Bangladesh Government.
vi. In case where Bangladesh Bank has issued NOC for export.