MS Outlook Shortcut Keys

MS Outlook Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + A – Select all Items
Ctrl + B – Bold Highlighted Section
Ctrl + C – Copy Selected Text
Alt + S – Send the e-mail
Ctrl + X – Cut
Ctrl + P – Print
Ctrl + G – Go to Date
Ctrl + M – Send and Receive All
Alt+ S – Send
Ctrl + U – Underline Highlighted Section
Ctrl + R – Reply to an Email
Ctrl + K – Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + L – Align Left
Ctrl + R – Align Right
Ctrl + E – Align Center
Ctrl + T – Post Reply
Ctrl + F – Forward an Email
Ctrl + N – Create a New Email
Ctrl + Y – Go to another Folder
Ctrl + Shift + A – Create a new appointment to your calendar
Ctrl + Shift + O – Open the Outbox
Ctrl + Shift + I – Open the Inbox
Ctrl + Shift + K – Add a New Task
Ctrl + Shift + C – Create a New Contact
Ctrl + Shift + J – Create a New Journal Entry
Ctrl + Shift + V – Move Folder
Ctrl + Z – Undo Last Action
Esc – Close an Open Menu
Ctrl + Enter – Send the e-mail
Ctrl + 1 – Switch To Mail
Ctrl + 3 – Switch To Contacts
Ctrl + 7 – Switch to Shortcuts
Ctrl + Esc – Display the Start Menu
F2 – Rename Folder
F3 + Ctrl + E – Go to Search Box

MS Power Point Shortcut Keys

MS Power Point Shortcut Keys

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