Catholic Syrian Bank

Catholic Syrian Bank
Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.(CSB)
The Catholic Syrian Bank (CSB) Limited is a private sector bank.Its headquarter is in the Thrissur district of Kerala, India. It is one of the oldest banks of India: it was established on 26 November 1920,well before Indian independence. It was opened for business on the following New Year’s Day. The bank has 431 branches and newly appointed MD & CEO is Annad Krishnamutrtey .
The genesis of Indian Banking is associated to a large extent with Swadeshi Movement, which inspired many Indians to promote Swadeshi Banks in the beginning of the 20th Century. The enterprising founders of Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd also found this period to be a moment of opportunity to promote the establishment of a bank. Thus was born The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd, Nine decades ago, on 26th November 1920 to be exact at Thrissur,which in later years acquired the unique distinction of being a centre with the highest concentration of banks in the South. The founder directors of the bank were people of eminence known for their foresight, integrity and initiative. The policy they laid down has been consistently upheld by the successive generations who guided the destiny of the institution. The bank commenced business on January 1st, 1921 with an authorised capital of Rs.5 lakhs and a paid up capital of Rs. 45270/-
During the first two decades of its functioning, the Bank concentrated only in Kerala. Banks and credit institutions which proliferated especially in Kerala received a jolt and many of them came to their doom following the crash of the Travancore National Quilon Bank in 1938 followed by Palai Central Bank in1960. During the period many small banks came to the verge of collapse shaking the confidence of the public and what followed was a process of consolidation. The strategy of mergers and amalgamations of small banks with bigger banks brought the number of banks within controllable limits, thereby making the industry’s base strong. In 1964-65, The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd took part in taking over the liabilities and assets of five small/medium sized banks in Kerala. The expansion programme initiated during these years gathered momentum in the subsequent years.
In August 1969, the Bank was included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934. In 1975, the Bank attained the status of “A” Class Scheduled Bank when its total Deposits crossed Rs.25 crores. The necessity of imparting training to staff looked very important and a modest beginning was therefore, made in setting up a Training College in 1975. In the same year the Bank entered the field of foreign Exchange. At a very early stage, the Bank recognised mechanisation as an effective tool of management and streamlined its accounting procedures by introduction of Data processing system. From November 1975, reconciliation of inter-branch accounts was mechanised by using IBM Data processing machines.
The decade of the seventies saw the evolution of a new culture in Indian Banking. Nationalisation of banks imposed “Social Control” and imparted new ethos to commercial banking . What followed was a massive expansion of bank branches with a distinct thrust on remote rural belts. Special schemes were formulated to cater to the diverse credit needs of small scale industries, road transport operators, agriculturists,and other self employed entrepreneurs.
The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd did not lag behind in taking up the challenge and more than 75% of its clientele belong to small and economically weaker strata of Society. The Bank has a strong rural base with around 80% of the branches in rural and semi- urban areas.
Investments in money market and capital market instruments are being expanded and steps are being taken to have an in house equity research wing so as to face the challenges of the future. The Bank has also geared up its machinery to increase its market share of corporate finance in the days to come.
The real inner strength of a growing organisation lies in its staff resources. The Bank has been singularly fortunate all these years in creating an environment in which the employees at all levels could play their role.
Their contribution to the growth of this institution has been invaluable. The Bank has a very dynamic team on its Board of Directors who are guiding the destiny of the Bank leading to growth and prosperity.
At present, the bank has a network of 431 branches and 235 ATMs across India. The Bank also plans to open more number of branches in a phased manner.
Vision Statement
“CSB endeavours to be a leading South India Based bank striving to excel in bringing products that satisfy the needs of targeted client segments, backed by excellent service – through our branches and technology driven initiatives in a compliant and regulated manner. For our Employees, we want to create a culture of Pride – driven by performance and productivity that should eventually result in sustainable growth in business and deliver superior returns to our Shareholders.”
CSB… Tax Savings Support
As per Finance Act 2006, deposits made with banks, in terms of Central Government notification (No.203/2006 dated 28.07.2006) are eligible for deduction under Section 80 C for income tax purpose. The scheme has been short titled as ‘Bank Term Deposit Scheme 2006’. Accordingly, we have renamed the deposit scheme as “CSB… Tax Savings Support”.
The salient features of which are mentioned below:
1. Title and types of deposit
Deposits can be made as ordinary fixed or reinvestment deposits under the following schemes:
(a) “CSB Tax Savings Support” – Income.
(b) “CSB Tax Savings Support” – Growth.
2. Eligibility
The deposits can be opened by:
(a) Individuals either singly or jointly.
(b) Hindu undivided family.
The single deposits shall be accepted from an individual for himself or in the capacity of the Karta of the Hindu undivided family.
The joint deposits shall be accepted from two adults or from an adult and a minor jointly, and payable to either of the holders or to the survivor. *
* In the case of joint deposit, the deduction from income under section 80C of the Act will be available only to the first holder of the deposit.
3. Amount of Investment
The amount of investment shall be Rupees one hundred or multiples thereof, subject to a maximum of Rupees one lakh in a financial year.
4. Period of Deposit
Deposit shall be for a period of five years.
5. Rate of interest
(a) The rate of interest will be the rate applicable for domestic term deposits fixed by the bank from time to time.
(a) The interest will be paid either in lump sum at the time of maturity or every quarter/ month (at discounted rate) as per the request.
(b) Senior Citizen will be eligible for additional interest fixed by the bank from time to time.
6. Nomination
(a) Nomination can be made by the single holder or the joint holders, as the case may be, in favour of any one individual.
(b) Nomination can be made any time before the date of maturity of the deposit, i.e either on the date of deposit or during the tenor of deposit.
(c) Nomination shall not be accepted in respect of a deposit applied/accepted for and held by or on behalf of a minor.
7. Encashment on maturity
The deposit can be encashed only after five years and no premature withdrawal is allowed and shall not be pledged to secure loan or as security to any other asset.
8. Pledging of term deposit
The deposits under the scheme shall not be pledged to secure loan or as security to any other asset.
9. Income tax
(a) Interest on this term deposits will be liable to tax under the Act, on the basis of annual accrual or receipt depending upon the simple interest or compound interest scheme and tax on such interest will be deducted as usual.
(b) The tax on such interest shall be deducted in accordance with the provisions of section 194A or section 195 of the Act.
The amount invested in the scheme is eligible for tax exemption u/s 80C upto a limit of Rs.1,00,000/- (One Lakhs Only) in a financial year.
Deposits » Fixed Deposit

  • Minimum amount for opening account is Rs.100/- Accounts may be opened in odd sums.
  • Deposits are accepted for periods of 7 days and above and even for a period where terminal quarter or month is incomplete.
  • Interest is paid at quarterly or longer rests at the full value of interest.The same is paid monthly at the discounted value of interest.

The maximum period for which term deposits are accepted is 10 years.
Deposits accepted under Court orders.
Deposits in the names of minors for protection of minor’s interest. In case of minors, accounts can be opened.
In the single name of the minor under guardinship, the deposit being repayable to him/her.
In the single name of the minor under guardianship, the deposit being repayable to the guardian.
In the name of the minor, jointly with the guardian, the deposit being repayable to them jointly / former or survivor /either or survivor.
Deposits » Family Welfare
Reinvestment deposit scheme. Interest accrues both on the principal and the interest thereon.
Minimum amount for opening the account is Rs.100/- Accounts may also be opened in odd sums.
Deposits are accepted for a minimum period of six months for periods in multiples of three months or in incomplete quarters.
Deposits » Acharya Deposits
Senior citizens we salute you. Invest in our Acharya Deposit Scheme. Avail additional interest for your deposits.
Minimum Amount of Deposit – Rs 5,000/-
Minimum Period of Deposit – 6 months.
All senior citizens 60 plus, excluding NRI are eligible.
Deposits » Savings Account
An account for individuals, either singly or jointly ,non-trading organisation institutions.
Account can be opened for a minimum amount of Rs. 100/- (Rs. 250 for computerised branches)
Cheque book facility for a minimum balance of Rs.250/ (Rs. 250 for computerised branches)
Account can be opened even in the name of a minor aged 12, allowing him /her to operate provided he/she presents himself /herself at the bank for each withdrawal.
A minor who has attained 14 years of age can open and operate the account individually in same manner as an adult.
Up-country cheques up to Rs.5,000/-are given immediate credit to individual account holders by charging usual commission and postage on stipulated conditions.
Payment of interest on savings bank a/c is made on a daily product basis w.e.f. April 1, 2010
Standing instructions of the account holder with regard to payment of premium, rent, etc.are accepted and acted upon promptly.
Cheques, Drafts,pension,dividend warrants,etc. are accepted and collected for credit to the account.
Account can be transferred to any other office of the bank, free of charge.
Any Branch Banking (ABB) Facility is available to customers on registration. Eligibility criteria and benefits available for various category of customers are as follows
Eligibility criteria
Minimum balance (Rs)
Penalty for non maintainance of
minimum balance (Rs)
Free limits per month
Cash Withdrawal (Rs)
Cash Deposits (Rs)
Fund Transfer (Rs)
At Par Facility (Rs)
Collection of cheques (Rs)
Total limits (Rs)
Charges for usage in excess of free limits will be
All cash transactions – Re.1/- per thousand, subject to a minimum of Rs.25/-
All transfer transactions – Rs.5/- per lakh
Deposits » CSB Students Support Savings Scheme
CSB…Students Support Savings Scheme
A savings bank account with the following features.
Eligibility: Students of recognized/reputed Schools/Colleges/ Professional Course Entrance Coaching Centres including Professional Colleges, from Standard IX onwards upto Final Year of Diploma/ Graduation/Post Graduation.
Introduction: By the Head of the Educational Institution where the student is pursuing his/her studies or by any properly introduced existing customer. If the account is opened with the introduction of a person other than the Head of the Institution, satisfactory proof to the effect that the applicant is a student, such as copy of the fee receipt, certificate from the educational institution etc should be produced.
Initial Remittance and Minimum Balance: The accounts can be opened and operated on Zero balance basis and there will be no stipulation regarding minimum balance.Cheque Books and ATM CardsATM Cards/Global Support Cards will be issued to account holders under this scheme, wherever feasible, free of cost. However, no cheque books will be issued, irrespective of whether ATM card/ Global Support Card has been issued or not.
Deposits » Cumulative Deposit
Enables the depositor to build up a sizeable capital in a regular systematic way.
The account can be opened with a minimum monthly remittance of Rs.5/- or multiples thereof. The remittances may also be in odd sums.
Account can be opened for a minimum period of 6 months and in multiples of 3 months.
The maximum period for which term deposits are accepted is 10 years.
Deposits accepted under Court orders.
Deposits in the names of minors for protection of minor’s interest.
In case of minors, accounts can be opened.
In the single name of the minor under guardianship, the deposit being repayable to him/her.
In the single name of the minor under guardianship, the deposit being repayable to the guardian.
In the name of the minor, jointly with the guardian, the deposit being repayable to them jointly /former or survivor /either or survivor
Deposits » Current Account
For traders, businessmen, corporate bodies, etc. who operate their accounts frequently.
Minimum amount for opening an account is Rs.5000/- in Metro Branches,Rs 3000/- in UrbanBranches,Rs 2000/- in semi urban branches and Rs 500/- in rural Branches
Rate of interest – Nil
Standing instructions of the account holder with regard to payment of premium, rent, etc. are accepted and acted upon promptly.
Cheques, Drafts, pension, dividend warrants,etc. are accepted and collected for credit to the account.
Account can be transferred to any other office of the bank, free of charge.
Any Branch Banking (ABB) Facility is available to customers on registration. Eligibility criteria and benefits available for various category of customers are as follows
Charges for usage in excess of free limits will be
All cash transactions – Re.1/- per thousand, subject to a minimum of Rs.25/-
All transfer transactions – Rs.5/- per lakh
Advances » Casy Mithra
Purpose of Advance :
For any legally permitted purpose
Amount of Advance
Minimum Rs. 0.50 lakh
Maximum Rs. 25.00 lakh
Salaried Persons
20 times of net monthly income of the applicant. Minimum net take home salary should be Rs 10,000/- excluding the instalment of the proposed Casy Mithra loan. (In case the spouse of the applicant stands as guarantor, his/her net income also can be added for arriving at the quantum of loan).
1.50 times of the annual taxable income of the loan. Agricultural income shown in the IT return should not be considered for arriving at the total eligible amount. Minimum of three previous years IT return should be submitted, which have been filed on regular basis.(Income of spouse can be added if he/she guarantees the loan)
For loan amount upto and inclusive of Rs. 10.00 lakh: House plot/prime commercial plot, with or without building keeping 50% margin
For loan amount above Rs. 10.00 lakh Residential property/prime commercial Property, with building keeping 50 % Margin.
Personal guarantee of atleast one person, preferably spouse of the applicant
Rate of interest
Floating rate – 14.00% p.a.
Repayment Period
Maximum 5 years
Documents to be produced
Proof of Identity & Residence, Assets, Income etc. from authority.
Photograph of the applicant and guarantors.
Other documents as decided by the sanctioning authority
Advances » Gold Loan / Kanakashree
Gold Loan – General Category
Finance upto 75% of market value.(daily changing)per gram
Interest rate – 14% p.a.
Period – 1 year
Gold Loan under Agriculture
Finance upto 75% of market value.(daily changing)per gram
Interest rate – 11.50% p.a.
Period – 1 year
A unique Overdraft facility against pledge of Gold Ornaments at an interest rate of 14.50% p.a.
Finance upto 75% of market value.(daily changing)per gram
Gold Loan – CSB…Ezee Gold Cash
Finance upto 75% of market value.(daily changing)per gram
Interest rate – 14.50% p.a.
Period – 6 months.
Gold Loan – CSB…Gold Power ( Scheme withdrawn)
Gold Loan – Retail Trade
Finance upto 75% of market value.(daily changing)per gram
Interest rate – 13.00% p.a.
Period – 1 year
Advances » Educational Loan
Rate of interest :
Upto Rs 4.00 lakh – 14.50% p.a
Above Rs 4.00 lakh – 15.00% p.a
Advances » Casy Cash Scheme
A hassle free loan scheme for Self-employed, Salaried persons and others having regular income for meeting their personal financial needs.
Quantum of finance
Minimum – Rs.25,000/-
Maximum -Rs.200,000/-
Advance upto four times the Gross Salary in case of Salaried persons and 40% of the net Annual income in case of others.
Rate of Interest
19.25% p.a
For Advances below Rs.1,00,000 – Guarantee of 2 persons acceptable to the Bank.
For Advances Rs.1,00,000 and above -Security of property or other tangible assets.
In equated monthly instalments
Minimum -12 months
Maximum- 48 months.
Advances » Tax Payer’s Liquidity Scheme
A thoughtfully designed loan scheme for IncomeTax payers engaged either in business or in profession.
Rate of interest – 14.00%.
Advances » Medicash
An exclusive Overdraft facility for Registered Medical Practitioners with MBBS/BDS and higher qualifications for meeting their financial requirements.
Quantum of finance
Rs 2 lakh or 5 times monthly Gross income, whichever is less.
Rate of interest
17.75% p.a.
Assets acquired under Bank Finance
One person of good means, preferably spouse.
Renewable every year.
Interest to be paid as and when debited.
Attractive features
Being an Overdraft Facility with in-built operational flexibility, interest to be paid on the actual balances only.
Advances » House Loans – Resident Indians
Finance for :
Construction or purchase of House or Flat.
For addition/extensions and renovations of existing House/Flat.
To Individuals
To Group of individuals including Co-operative Societies
Rate of interest
Loan upto Rs.30 Lakhs
Loan above Rs.30 Lakhs
For construction,renovation,repair – 25% on the actual cost
For purchase of ready built house/flat – 25 % on purcahse value as per sale deed including cost of registration
Maximum period 20Years including repayment holiday.
Initial repayment holiday not to exceed 12months.
Total deductions including instalment should not exceed 50% of gross income.
In case of employees, repayment should be completed before the date of superannuation.
In other cases, the age limit is 65 years for repayment.
Basic Requirements
Proof of income such as Salary Certificate/IT Assessment Order.
Copy of approved Plan and Estimate of the buililding/SaleAgreement .
For Salaried persons, irrevocable authorisation for recovery of Instalments must be submitted,duly acknowledged by the Employer.
Land &Building purchased/constructed
Advances » Base Rate/Service Charges
Base Rate.
Service charges
Processing fee
Upto Rs.25,000/ – Nil
Above Rs.25,000/ – 1.00% Minimum Rs.250/-.
For Agrl. Term loans – 1% of the loan amount sanctioned (one time only)
Adhoc sanction 2% of adhoc limits sanctioned with a minimum of Rs.500/- and maximum of Rs.10,000/- per sanction.
Non-fund based limit 50% of rates as above.
For UBD (Rubber Bills) Rs.100/- per lakh – (Minimum Rs.100/-)
for existing customers
The upper ceiling of processing fee has been fixed as Rs.2.00 lakh
Commitment Charges
Delay in availing sanctioned limits by borrowers causes revenue loss to the bank. So, commitment charge for delayed availment of advances is being levied as follows..
Commitment charges at the rate of 1% p.a for all advances availed after three months from the date of sending sanction communication from the branch to the party.
The commitment charge is worked out for the actual number of days from the date of communication of sanction terms, to the date of availment.
The commitment charge is not collected in the following cases :
Non-fund based facilities.
Working Capital limits for units to be established where Term Loans are sanctioned by our bank or any Term lending institution and where there is stipulation to release Working Capital limit after completion of construction / installation of plant and machinery etc
Working Capital limits for materials imported directly by the borrowers and the delay on availment of limit was for non receipt of materials.
Delay in compliance to documentation formalities due to external factors.
Advances under Govt. Sponsored Schemes.
The commitment charge is collected in full at the time of first disbursal of the facility.
Documentation Charges
Documentation charge is collected for all fresh advances and for renewal and enhancements where fresh / additional documents are got executed. The charge is not be collected for review of an account.
It is being collected as follows at the time of execution of documents
Documentation charges
Above Rs.10,000/- upto Rs.1 Lakh – Rs.100/-
Above Rs.1.00 lakh upto Rs.10 Lakhs – Rs.300/-
Above Rs.10 Lakh – Rs.500/-
Documentation charges are not be collected for staff loans, loans under Govt. sponsored schemes, DRI loans, advances against deposits, Gold Loan, IVP, KVP, NSC, UTI units, LIC and one time discount bills, cheques, DDs and other instruments.
Folio Charges
Rs.150/- per folio with 40 entries. If the number of entries are less than 40, folio charge will be on pro-rata basis with a minimum of Rs.75/-.
Folio charges are not collected for the following:
LDR, LRD, DRI Loans, Advance to Weaker sections under Govt. Sponsored Scheme, IRDP, Gold Loan, NPA and all Staff Loans.
Service Charges
Service charges are levied on all advance accounts except on the following:
DRI Loan
Advances to Weaker Sections under Govt. Sponsored Schemes.
Gold Loans (Ordinary & Agriculture)
NPA Recalled
All Staff Loans.
Legal Scrutiny Charges
For Advances upto Rs.5 Lakhs – Rs.50/- for every Rs.10,000/- of advance amount. Min.Rs.100/- and Max. Rs.1000/-
For advances above Rs.5 Lakhs – Rs.1500/- .
Stock Audit Fee
Advance of Rs.1 Crore and above upto Rs.2 Crores. Rs.2000/- + Service Tax.
Above Rs.2 Crores and upto Rs.3 Crores. Rs.3000/- + Service Tax
Above Rs.3 Crores and upto Rs.4 Crores. Rs.4000/- + Service Tax
Above Rs.4 Crores. Rs.5000/- + Service Tax
Bank Guarantee Commission
Performance Guarantee
Rs.100/- + 2% p.a. or part thereof.
Other than performance guarantee
Rs.100/- + 3% p.a. or part thereof.
For Bank Guarantees fully secured by Fixed Deposits, no commission is being levied.
Valuation Expenses and Inspection charges are also being levied for advances at actuals.
Advances » Doctors & Hospitals
Catholic Syrian Bank provides finance to Doctors, Hospitals and Nursing home to buy hospital equipments, build new hospitals, renovate or expand the existing ones.
Who can avail this scheme ?
Doctors, small hospitals, nursing home etc., which are organised as private/public limited companies, partnership/proprietary concerns, or trusts which have facilities for diagnosis and treatment of indoor as well as outdoor patient with 10 or more beds.
Areas covered under project cost
Land & Building.
Equipments required for medical treatment.
Office equipments etc.
Quantum Period
The quantum will be assessed depending upon individual project requirements commercial viability of the scheme, capacity of the parties to repay the advance and the amount of surplus cash generated out of the scheme.
A minimum margin of 25% will have to be maintained.
Repayment Period
The period of repayment will be assessed depending on the project, its income-generating capacity and the repaying capacity of the applicant .
Maximum repayment period is 8 years.
Assets created out of the credit facilities and other securities deemed necessary depending upon merits of each individual case
In case the promoters themselves are not doctors,the project should have back-up services of atleast one post graduate doctor (M.S,M.D, etc.) The hopital should be willing to provide medical services at concessional rates to patients from low income groups.
Advances » Personal Loan
Permanent employees of reputed firms and institutions with minimum three years of confirmed service.
The purpose of the loan is to meet the personal necessities of the applicant.
Maximum loan amount is 10 times of gross monthly salary.
Personal guarantee of one confirmed employee is required. Either borrower or guarantor should have completed five years of confirmed service. One person shall not guarantee loans of more than two borrowers.
The loan should be repaid in within a maximum period of 60 months.
Total deductions including the instalments of the proposed loan should not exceed 50% of gross salary.
Interest Rate
18.25% p.a.
Advances » Trade & Industry
Credit to Trade and Industry
The Bank may at its discretion grant advances of the following types to the borrowers under Trade and industry sectors.
Term loan /deferred payment guarantee against security of machinery.
Term loan for construction of factory building.
Open cash credit against hypothecation of stock.
Key loan /overdraft against pledge of goods /documents of title to goods.
Secured loan /overdraft against pledge of goods /documents of title to goods .
Secured or clean overdrafts.
Purchase of demand /sight bills accompanied by Railway Receipts/ Bills of lading issued by well- known shipping companies /Airway Bill/Lorry Receipts issued by approved transport operators/Postal Receipts.
Discount of accepted usance trade bills.
Purchase of genuine outstation trade cheques.
Purchase of supply bills evidencing supply of goods/services to Govt. Departments/Quasi-Government Department/Reputed Companies.
Export finance in the form of packing credit, post-shipment Bills purchase, advance against duty drawback, etc.
Performance/financial/bid-bond/ advance money guarantee .
Opening of letters of credit for material procurement, acquisition of capital assets and for imports.
Advances » Agricultural Finance
Need -based finance is provided in the following forms for agricultural and allied activities.
Short term production loans ( crop loans) for purchase of inputs.
Loans for purchase of farm machinery.
Loans for horticulture and plantation.
Loans for allied agricultural activities which include dairy, poultry, goat/sheep rearing, fishery, prawn culture, piggery, sericulture, aquaculture, ductery,rabbit farming,quail farming mashroom cultivation etc.
Loans for construction of biogas plants.
Note : Margin, rate of interest and security norms for the loans are subject to the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time .
Advances » Car Loan
Car Loan Scheme
For acquiring Car, Van, Jeep etc. for personal use.
For persons having assets and income enough for regular repayment of the advance. Documentary evidence of income should be submitted.
Quantum of Finance
80% of Invoice Value and road tax. Invoice Value includes Excise duty, Sales tax etc. but excludes insurance, registration and other incidental charges.
Rate of Interest
Hypothecation of the Vehicle.
One person with good means, if collateral security is not offered or undertaking for salary deduction is not available. Guarantee of spouse should be given preference.
Advances » VIP Car Loan
For Individuals /Groups
having funded limits not less than Rs.25 lakh
having Term Deposits of not less than Rs.25 lakh with the Bank for acquiring vehicles for personal use.
Quantum of Finance
100% of Invoice Value excluding Insurance, registration, road tax etc.,
Rate of Interest
Hypothecation of the Vehicle.
One person with good means.
Advances » Fair Practice
01. The loan proposals shall be analyzed in a comprehensive manner and security or margin shall not be considered as a substitute for due diligence on credit worthiness of the borrower.
02. When credit limits are sanctioned, the Bank shall convey to the applicant the details of credit limit/s sanctioned along with the terms and conditions thereof.
03. If the application is rejected, the main reason /reasons which, in the opinion of the bank after due consideration, have led to rejection of the applications shall be conveyed in writing within the stipulated time.
01. The loan proposals shall be analyzed in a comprehensive manner and security or margin shall not be considered as a substitute for due diligence on credit worthiness of the borrower.
02. When credit limits are sanctioned, the Bank shall convey to the applicant the details of credit limit/s sanctioned along with the terms and conditions thereof.
03. If the application is rejected, the main reason /reasons which, in the opinion of the bank after due consideration, have led to rejection of the applications shall be conveyed in writing within the stipulated time.
Bank shall disburse the loans sanctioned as soon as the applicants submit documents/ papers/details in conformity with the terms and conditions governing such sanction.
Bank shall give notice of any change in the terms and conditions including interest rates, service charges etc to the Borrower. Changes in the rates of interest shall be effected only prospectively.
1. Bank shall carry out post disbursement supervision of all the credit limits sanctioned by it to ensure that the funds extended by it are safe and are deployed as per the terms of sanctions. However, it shall strive to address any ”lender-related” genuine difficulty that the borrower may face, especially in the case of loans upto Rs.2 lakhs.
2. If the Bank decides to recall/accelerate payment or performance under the agreement or to seek additional securities, Bank shall give notice to borrowers, as specified in the loan agreement or a reasonable period, if no such condition exists in the loan agreement.
Bank shall release all securities on receiving payment of loan or realization of loan subject to any legitimate right or lien for any other claim it may have against borrowers. If such right to set off is exercised, borrowers shall be given notice about the same with full particulars about the remaining claims and the documents under which the Bank is entitled to retain the securities till the relevant claim is settled/paid.
1. Bank shall not interfere in the affairs of the borrowers except for what is provided in the terms and conditions of the loan sanction documents (unless new information, not earlier disclosed by the borrower, has come to the notice of the Bank) and for protecting its interests.
2. Bank shall not discriminate on grounds of sex, caste and religion in the matter of lending. However, this shall not preclude the Bank from participating in credit-linked schemes framed for the welfare of the weaker sections of the society.
3. In the matter of recovery of loans, the Bank shall not resort to undue harassment viz. persistently bothering the borrowers at odd hours, use of muscle power for recovery of loans, etc.
4. In case of receipt of request for transfer of borrower account, either from the borrower or from a bank / financial institution, which proposes to take over the account, the consent or otherwise i.e. objection of the Bank, if any, shall be conveyed within 21 days from the date of receipt of request.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
The Bank has put in place the following mechanism for redressal of grievances relating to borrowal accounts:
a) All complaints received at Branch, Zonal Office or Head office shall be given an interim acknowledgement.
b) The mechanism for redressal of grievances relating to borrowal accounts should ensure that all disputes arising out of the lending institutions’ functionaries are heard and disposed of at least at the next higher level.
c) A consolidated review report of the compliance of the Fair Practices Code and the functioning of the grievances redressal mechanism at various levels of controlling office shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at half-yearly intervals as on 31st December and 30th June.
Rate of interest & other charges
The total cost to the borrower, inlcuding interest and other service charges levied on the funded credit facility (ies) conducted without irregularities shall not exceed 5.50 percentage points over and above the Bank’s BPLR. However,accounts with specified irregularities will attract penal provisions including additional interest at appropriate rates.
International Money Transfer » Wall Street Instant Cash
Wall Street Instant Cash International Money Transfer
CSB offers a state of the art web enabled International Money Transfer service- Wall Street Instant Cash Money Transfer through the branches. The Service is provided by Wall Street Exchange Co. Wll, Dubai. This enables a person to transfer money internationally into India upto rupee equivalent of a maximum limit of US $ 2500/= per transaction. Maximum number of transactions that can be received by a beneficiary in a calendar year is restricted to 12.
Remittances for personal purposes like family maintenance as well as suitable for foreign tourists visiting India. Credit towards the Non Resident Accounts are not permitted.
The attractive features of this scheme are
Instantaneous receipt of the remittances
Remittances equivalent to Rs.50000/= can be received in cash
If the beneficiary maintains account with our encashing branch, the amount will be credited on receipt at the encashing location.
Low cost of remittance as compared to other Money Transfer Services
The Beneficiary has the option to receive the amount at any of the Agent Locations in the country subject to production of Identity proof and ICTC (Instant Cash transaction Control )Number.
International Money Transfer » MoneyGram
MoneyGram International Money Transfer
MoneyGram International, based on London
World’ second largest Money Transfer Company next to Western Union.
Instantaneous Money Transfer Within Minutes From Any Where In The World
Only personal remittances towards family maintenance and remittances favouring foreign tourists visiting India are allowed.
Any single remittance under the scheme shall not exceed USD 2500/= or its equivalent
Maximum number of remittances that can be received by a beneficiary is 12 in a calendar year
Credit to NRE/FCNR Accounts etc. is not permitted.
Cash payment can be made upto Indian Rs. 50,000/= only
Payment to beneficiary is made in Indian Rupees
All payments exceeding Rs 50,000/- shall be paid only be Cheque/DD/PO or by direct credit to recipients account (except for foreign tourists).
100 Branches for first phase
Other Branches to do the business through IBD, Kochi,(the nodal office.)
Contact Us
1. Redressal of Complaints
In case of any complaint, the matter may be first brought to the notice of the concerned Branch Manager for immediate redressal. Branch addresses are available under the ‘ Branch Network ‘ menu.
If the complaint is not redressed to the satisfaction of the customer, the matter may be taken up with the nodal officers of Zones concerned. The addresses of the nodal officers are available under the ‘ Controlling Offices ‘ menu.
If the complainant still feels unsatisfied with the responses received, he can address his complaint to the Bank’s designated Nodal Officer at Head Office (The First Name & Address specified in “Principal Nodal Officer under BO Scheme menu”) who deals with customers’ complaints / grievances giving full details of the case.
After exhausting all the above machinery / channels, if the customer is not satisfied, he may write to Head Office and even after this, if he is not satisfied, he is free to take recourse to the following:
The Banking Ombudsman located in State Capitals under Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 1995/2006.
The District Consumer Forum under Consumer Protection Act, 1985.
Anonymous complaints will not be entertained.
2. For ATM related queries and Lost Cards
Email :
Phone(switch Center) : 0484 – 6451631, 2368032
3. General Queries
You may contact us at our Head Office, Branch Service.
Founded: 26 November 1920
Headquarters: Thrissur, Kerala, India
Area served: Republic of India
Number of employees: 2791 (2007-08)[1]
Slogan : Support all the way
Website :

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