Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealer's Association (BAFEDA)

Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealer’s Association (BAFEDA)

Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealer’s Association (BAFEDA) was formed in a bankers’ meeting held on August 12, 1993 in the Board Room of Rupali Bank Ltd. to help the development of an orderly inter-bank foreign exchange market in Bangladesh. It’s major activities include framing of rules governing the conduct of inter-bank foreign exchange business among banks vis-a-vis public and liaison with Bangladesh Bank for reforms and development of forex market. Presently some of the functions are as follows:
• Guidelines for inter-bank foreign exchange dealings.
• Training of Bank Personnel in the areas of Foreign Exchange Business.
• Advising/Assisting member banks in settling issues/matters in their dealings.
• Represent member banks on Government/Bangladesh Bank/Other Bodies.
• Calculation and announcement of daily inter-bank weighted average/average rates to member banks.
• Publishing Dhaka Inter-bank Offered Rate (DIBOR)
Due to continuing integration of the global financial markets and increased pace of de-regulation, the role of self-regulatory organizations like BAFEDA has also transformed. In such an environment, BAFEDA plays a catalytic role for smooth functioning of the markets through closer co-ordination with the Bangladesh Bank and various market participants. BAFEDA also maximizes the benefits derived from synergies of member banks through innovation in areas like new customized products, bench marking against international standards on accounting, market practices, risk management systems, etc.
BAFEDA Formation
Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association (BAFEDA) was formed in a bankers meeting held on August 12, 1993 in the Board Room of Rupali Bank Ltd. to help the development of an orderly inter-bank foreign exchange market in Bangladesh. The Managing Directors/ Chief Executives/ Representatives of all the 23 banks, then operating in Bangladesh, attended the meeting and these banks became founder members of the Association. Subsequently, Bangladesh operation of ANZ Grindlays Bank plc. and American Express Bank Ltd. were taken over by Standard Chartered Bank and as such the first mentioned 2 banks ceased to be members of BAFEDA. Commercial Bank of Ceylon Ltd. acquired BAFEDA membership in place of Credit Agricole Indosuez on taking over Bangladesh operation of the later while Al Baraka Bank Bangladesh Ltd. was renamed as ICB Islamic Bank Ltd.. Between the years 1995-2005, 20 banks joined the Association. Of them, Bangladesh operation of Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. was taken over by Bank Asia Ltd. who became member of BAFEDA in place of the former. In the year 2006, 3 banks joined the Association raising the membership of BAFEDA to 44 banks as shown in Annexure I.
The Association was incorporated as a non-profit organization under the Companies Act (Act XVIII) of 1994 on March 30, 1998.

Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealer’s Association (BAFEDA)

With assistance and cooperation of all our member banks under the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank to develop an active foreign exchange market in the country and contribute significantly to the national economy.
BAFEDA Mission
To promote the interests of the foreign exchange sector in the public arena.
To contribute to the development of the foreign exchange market- its efficiency, depth and liquidity with greater market discipline.
To act as facilitator between member banks and the Bangladesh Bank, export Organizations/ Chambers of Commerce and other bodies, as also among member banks.

Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealer’s Association (BAFEDA)

BAFEDA Objectives
According to the Constitution of Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association, the objectives of the Association are:
To create and promote inter-bank foreign exchange dealings and develop good fellowship that are indispensable in foreign exchange dealings and relations;
To function in the best interest of the members and also to do all such other things as may be necessary or desirable in furtherance of the objectives of the Association;
To arrange that the foreign exchange dealers of member banks keep one another informed and they render assistance to one another without prejudice to the interests of their respective institutions;
To do all that is necessary in the power of the Association and the members, collectively and individually, and also to uphold high standards of ethics by rendering quality service in foreign exchange dealings.
For smooth functioning of the inter-bank foreign exchange market, a “Code of Conduct” for Bangladesh Inter-Bank Foreign Exchange and Treasury Operations and also BAFEDA Rules were formulated earlier, with the approval of Bangladesh Bank. But it has been found necessary to revise & update the Code of Conduct for Treasury Operations and BAFEDA Rules . Accordingly, BAFEDA Guidelines for foreign exchange Transactions has been framed incorporating the provisions of ‘Code of Conduct for Treasury Operations’ and ‘BAFEDA Rules’ with necessary amendments.
BAFEDA Contact :
Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association (BAFEDA)
Eastern Commercial Complex(11th Floor)
73, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000
Phone: 0088-02-9332746 Fax: 0088-02-8354335
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealer’s Association (BAFEDA)

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