
List of required papers for proposal appraisal

List of required papers for proposal appraisal

Required papers/documents for appraising investments Proposal
 List of common papers required for appraisal of Investment proposal

1) Application of the client for investment facility
2) Photography of the client i.e. owner/partners/directors duly attested by the Branch incumbent
3) Photocopy of both sides of National/Voter ID card of client.
4) IF-48 (form enclosed)
5) CIB inquiry form duly filled in by the client
6) Up-to-date Trade License, Tin Certificate, VAT, IRC, ERC, Bonded Warehouse license etc.
7) Declaration of other bank/financial institution liability status of the client.
8) A declaration of assets (immovable and moveable) giving detail description of the property of the proprietor / partners / directors to be furnished. If there is any charge on any of the property by any Bank / DPI, that is to be clearly mentioned
9) A declaration to be given if the client has any sister concern or business firm having interest therein. If so, the extent of interest or shareholding and liabilities of the concern with name of Bank / DFI to be mentioned.
10) Audited Balance sheet and Profit & Loss statement for the last three years of the business
11) In case of new company /firm, projected financial statement is to be taken.
12) Visit Report on the client business establishment.
13) Legal opinion (the opinion should be clean & without ambiguity), NEC, Mutation, Up-to-date rent receipt of the collateral security.
14) Letter of consent along with attested photograph of the mortgagor (in case of 3’d party mortgagor)
15) Up to date stock statement showing item wise quantity and value (market unit price) duly signed with date. Old and obsolete stock to be discarded. A declaration to be furnished in this respect that the stocks are free from any encumbrances and not charged anywhere. If charged, the name and address of financial institution / Bank, extent of charge to be mentioned. (Stock must be verified by the branch officials and the same to be forwarded to IRMD, HO).
16) Valuation Certificate (prepared by branch and surveyor) of the collateral as per HO format.
17) Manager’s certificate on genuineness of collateral security as per Head office format.
18) IRG (Investment Risk Grading), The grading should be at least Marginal/Watch list. In general Grading should be” Acceptable”.
19) Lawyer’s satisfaction certificate (in case of renewal / enhancement / recasting)
20) Prescribed investment appraisal form duly filled in.

List of additional papers required for mode-wise different organization

For Partnership

  1. Copy of Partnership deed registered with RJSC is required in case of partnership concern.
  • For limited company
  1. Certificate of Incorporation
  2. Certificate of Commencement of business
  • Copy of Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association
  1. Copy of Company’s Board of Resolution regarding investment sought from SIBL
  2. List of directors form-Xll certified by Register of Joint Stock Companies of firms
  3. Annual summary of shareholding (Form-X) certified by Register of Joint Stock Companies of firms
  • Staff position & their remuneration (Employee)
  • For Project Financing
  1. Total cost of the project as per following format:
SL No Items of Cost Total Cost Sponsors Equity Bank Financing


  1. Building and machinery layout plan [Condition, Origin, Value, Economic life, Year of procurement, present written down value and present working capacity]
  • Permission from Board of Investment.
  1. Clearance from the Department of Environment (if required).
  2. Approval / permission from competent authority.
  3. Project profile/feasibility report
  • 3(three) sets of competitive price quotation from 3(three) different suppliers for the selected machinery and equipments mentioning which one is accepted.
  • For BMRE proposal, detailed particulars of existing machinery and equipments, year of purchase and value, present written down value and present working capacity along with audited Balance Sheet.
  1. Original copy of Title deed, Bia deed, C.S, S.A & R.S Parcha, Up to date rent receipt, Municipal Tax receipt, R.S mutation parcha with DCR, Mouza map, Non encumbrance Certificate and all other related documents/ papers of the proposed collateral securities.
  2. Membership Certificate from Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BKMEA)-(where applicable)
  3. Membership Certificate from Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)- (where applicable)

  • Permission from Chamber of Commerce.


  • For HPSM (Transport, Household)
  1. Declaration of monthly income & sources of income.
  2. Tax Clearance Certificate
  • 3 (three) sets of competitive price quotation from 3 (three) different suppliers for the selected car
  1. Personal guarantee of 2 (two) individual having minimum solvency/income not less than the applicant along with following papers/documents:
  2. a. Photocopy of both sides of National/Voter ID Card
  3. Tax Clearance Certificate
  4. Photograph


  • For HPSM (Real Estate & Flat)
    1. Original copy of Title deed, Bia deed, C.S, S.A & R.S Parcha, Up to date rent receipt, Municipal Tax receipt, R.S mutation parcha with DCR, Mouza map, Non encumbrance Certificate and all other related documents/ papers of the proposed collateral securities.
    2. RAJUK approved plan & Layout plan
  • Estimated cost to be incurred & already incurred
  1. Soil Test Certificate
  2. Copy of money receipt (deposited in favor of the flat owners)
  3. Copy of valid Flat purchase agreement (Flat will be mortgage with bank)