International Trade & Foreign Exchange-Ebook
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- Publisher : Md Makhluk Hasan; 2nd edition (April 11, 2022)
- Publication date : April 11, 2019
- Language : English
International Trade & Foreign Exchange-EBook
Module :: One: An overview of Foreign Trade. 15
Question:: 01.01 : What is foreign Trade or International Trade?. 15
Question:: 01.02: What Types of Foreign Trade ?. 17
Question::01.03: What are the reasons against foreign Trade?. 17
Question::01.04: What are the Importance of International Business for economy?. 19
Question::01.05: What are the key differences between domestic and International Business?. 20
Question:: 01.08: Discuss documents used in Foreign Trade of Bangladesh. 25
Question::01.10 : Discuss the process of import goods in Bangladesh?. 36
Question::01.12: Discuss an Overview of International Trade and Foreign Exchange. 51
Question:: 01.14: What do you know about Balance of Trade and Balance of payment ?. 63
Question::01.15: Discuss the Major components of the balance of payment (BOP). 65
Question:: 01.16: What do you know about Asian Clearing Union (ACU)?. 66
Question:: 01.18: What are the main function of world trade organization (WTO)?. 71
Question:: 01.19: What are Role and Functions of WTO in Free International Trade ?. 71
Question:: 01.20: What Is the North American Free Trade Agreement?. 74
Question:: 01.21: What Is the effect of North American Free Trade Agreement?. 76
Question::01.22: What Is the goals of North American Free Trade Agreement?. 77
Question:: 01.23 : What do you know of The European Union (EU)?. 77
Question:: 01.24: What do you know about Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA)?. 80
Question:: 01.25: Discuss the inco-terms which are used in the International Trade. 81
Question::01.29: What are the objective of Exchange control of Bangladesh?. 101
Question:: 01.31 : What documents required to open BB L/C?. 106
Question:01.32. What is Bonded ware house?. 106
Question: 01.33. What is Pre-shipment Investment?. 107
Question:01.34. What do you mean by OD Sight, TT Doc, TT Clean and BC Selling exchange. 108
Question:01.35. State all Incoterms with full meaning. 109
Question:: 01.36. Name the different types of Transport document. 110
Question:: 01.37. What is complying presentation?. 110
Question:: 01.38. What are the different types of risks in international trade?. 110
Module –B: General International Organization Knowledge. 113
Question::02.01: What is world bank? Discuss the objectives and function of the world Bank?. 113
Question :: 02.02: What do you know about IBRD?. 115
Question::02.03 : Discuss briefly about IDA?. 118
Question::02.04 : What do you know about IFC ?. 119
Question ::02.05: What do you know about ADB?. 120
Question ::02.06: What do you know about IDB?. 122
Question::02.07: What is the IMF’s mission and how has that changed over time?. 124
Question::02.10: How does the IMF set its policies?. 125
Question::02.11: How open is the IMF to outside scrutiny and participation?. 126
Question::02.13: What is structural adjustment?. 126
Question::02.14: How do multinational corporations benefit from IMF policies?. 127
Question::02.15: What is the IMF’s approach to helping countries that are deeply in debt.?. 127
Module C: Role of Banks in Foreign Trade. 129
Question:: 03.01: What is letter of credit (LC)? What Types of Letter of credit?. 129
Question:: 03.02: How Many Parties are involved in Letter of Credit (L/C). 131
Question:: 03.03 : What is the difference Between Letter of Credit and Bank Guarantee. 133
Answer: Types of Import Financing Program Offered by Different Commercial Banks: 161
(Exam Q-6) (IT& FE July- 2019). 166
Question :03.22: What does a non-documentary condition mean?. 183
Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, UCP 600. 198
Question:: 03.26: What are the main features of UCPDC 600. 198
Question:: 03.27:Which documents are used in International Trade?. 204
Answer: Foreign Correspondent: 217
Question:: 03.29: Discuss about notro account reconciliation. 220
Protection against Risk in Foreign Trade. 222
Question:: 04.01: Discuss the risk associated with International Trade. 222
Question::04.02: Discuss the fraud under standby letter of credit. 224
Question:: 04.03: Discuss the Export Credit Guarantee Schemes in Bangladesh. 224
Question:: 04.04: What is Foreign exchange risk? Discuss the ways of overcoming exchange risk?. 229
Question:: 04.05: What do you know about political risk?. 230
Question:: 04.06: Discuss about Operational and legal risk management relating to settlement ?. 231
Exchange Control Regulations. 233
Question:: 05.03: What are the Objectives of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1947?. 236
Question:05.04: Discuss The Foreign Exchange Regulations In Bangladesh. (IT & FE Nov 2017). 236
Question:: 05.05: Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG). 237
Question:: 05.06: What is Shell Companies ?. 238
Question::05.07: What is Money Laundering?. 238
Question:: 05.08: What Is Terrorist Financing?. 240
(Exam Q-5) (IT& FE July- 2019). 242
Question::05.10: What are the stages of Money Laundering?. 247
Question::05.11: What is factoring of Money Laundering?. 249
Question::05.12:What role does a correspondent bank play in an international transaction?. 250
Question::05.13: Briefly discuss about BEPZ. 251
Question::05.14: What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?. 256
Question::05.15: What is the current FDI in Bangladesh?. 256
Question::05.16: What is the impact of FDI in Balance of payment in Bangladesh?. 257
Question::05.17: How to improve FDI flow in Bangladesh?. 258
Question::06.01: What Kind Of Exchange Rate System Is Followed In Bangladesh?. 261
Question::06.02: Discuss the Currency Regulations for Travelers / Passengers of Bangladesh. 263
Question:: 06.03: Discuss the Foreign Exchange Market in Bangladesh. 264
Question:: 06.05: Which Factor are Affecting Fluctuation in Exchange Rates?. 269
Question:: 06.06: What are the Objectives of Foreign Exchange RegulationAct 1947?. 270
Question:: 06.07: What are the Meaning Of Foreign Exchange Rates?. 271
Question::06.08: Discuss determination Of Foreign Exchange Rate. 271
Question:: 06.09: What are the Demand for Foreign Exchange?. 272
Question:: 06.10: What do you understand by the Supply of Foreign Exchange?. 272
Question:: 06.11: What are the equilibrium Foreign Exchange Rate?. 273
Question::06.12 : What are the Exchange Rate System of Bangladesh?. 273
Question::06.13: What are the factors that influence our floating exchange rate?. 276
Question::06.14: Discuss about Foreign Remittance and it’s Procedure?. 277
Question::06.15: Discuss the various Exchange Rate in Foreign Exchange business?. 280
The rate of exchange between two currencies is quoted in two ways : 280
Question:: 06.16: What is offshore banking? How does it function?. 283
Question::06.17: What is exchange position? How does it work?. 285
Module – G : Foreign Exchange Markets. 288
Question::07:01: Discuss the Foreign Exchange Market in Bangladesh. 288
Question::07. 02: Discuss the open market operating methodology of Bangladesh bank. 292
Question:: 07. 03 : Discuss about Foreign Exchange Market and its Important Functions. 298
Question:: 07.05: Discuss about The Swap Market. 306
Question:: 07.06: Discuss about Euro as a new currency. 316
Question::08.01: What is meant by foreign exchange Transaction?. 320
Types of Foreign Exchange Transactions. 320
Question::08.03: What is offshore banking? How does it function?. 324
Question::08.04: What is exchange position? How does it work?. 329
Question::08:06: What role does a correspondent bank play in an international transaction?. 332
Module I: Financing of Foreign Trade in Bangladesh. 333
Question::09.01: What is the meaning of foreign trade?. 333
Question::09.03: Discuss the Risk in Foreign Exchange Business. 333
EPZ-A New Horizon for Investors. 345
Question::09.14: Discuss the causes for transfer money from Bangladesh to foreign countries?. 359
Question::09.15: Why is Trade Miss invoicing Used?. 364
What types of credit facilities are provided by the banks to the exporters in Bangladesh?. 365
Question::09.18: Describe the various financial market in Bangladesh. 371
Question::09.19 : Discuss the Problems of Import Financing in Bangladesh. 372
Question:: 09: 21: Discuss about Exporters’ Retention Quota (ERQ) Account. 379
Module-J : Exchange Arithmetic. 384
Short Note:: 11.01: Quasi Negotiable Instruments. 412
Short Note:: 11.02: Why bill of lading is not a negotiable instrument?. 412
Short Note:: 11.03: What are the Effect of the Transfer of a Bill of Lading?. 412
Short Note:: 11.04: Received for Shipment Bill of Lading: 413
Short Note:: 11.05 : Ship’s Delivery Order: 413
Short Note:: 11.06: Loan against Imported Merchandise (LIM). 414
Short Note:: 11.07 : Bill of Exchange: 414
Short Note:: 11.08: International Monetary Fund (IMF): 415
Short Note:: 11.09:Convertibility of Taka: 416
Short Note:: 11.10 :OFFICIAL RESERVE ACCOUNT: 417
Short Note:: 11.11: Convertibility: 417
Short Note:: 11.12:COMMERCIAL REMITTANCES: 418
Short Note:: 11.15 :FOREIGN CURRENCY ACCOUNTS : 419
Short Note:: 11.17 :Money changer : 420
Short Note:: 11.18 :What is floating exchange rate: 420
Short Note:: 11.19 : A fixed exchange rate: 420
Short Note:: 11.20 :Proforma invoice: 421
Short Note:: 11.21 :Discuss the inco-terms which are used in the International Trade. 421
Short Note:: 11.22 : Red clause Letter of credit: 424
Short Note:: 11.23 : Confirmed Irrevocable Documentary Credit: 424
Short Note:: 11.23 :Revolving Documentary Credit: 424
Short Note:: 11.24 : Transferable Documentary Credit: 424
Short Note:: 11.25 :Back-to-Back Documentary Credit: 424
Short Note:: 11.26 : Stale bill of lading: 424
Short Note:: 11.27 : Charter Party Bill of Lading (CPBOL): 425
Short Note:: 11.28 : The Bill of lading : 425
Short Note:: 11.29 : World trade organization (WTO): 426
Short Note:: 11.30 : Straight Bill of Lading (SBOL): 426
Short Note:: 11.31 : North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA): 427
Short Note:: 11.32 : The European Union: 429
Short Note:: 11.33 : Reimbursing Bank: 429
Short Note:: 11.34 : What you know about SWIFT: 430
Short Note:: 11.35 : The International Development Association (IDA): 431
Short Note:: 11.36 : Export Development Fund (EDF) : 431
Short Note:: 11.37 : Cross Rate: 432
Short Note:: 11.38 : Combined Bill of Lading: 433
Short Note:: 11.39 Bill of Entry: 433
Short Note:: 11.40 : Consular Invoice: 433
Short Note:: 11.41 :Dhaka inter-bank offer rate (DIBOR): 434
Short Note:: 11.42: Brexit. 434
Short Note:: 11.43: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) : 435
Short Note:: 11.44: Convertibility of Taka: 435
Short Note:: 11.45 : The Asian Development Bank (ADB) : 437
Short Note:: 11.46: Combined bill of lading? How does combined bill of lading work?. 438
Short Note:: 11.47: Forced Lim: 439
Short Note:: 11.48: What is PAD?. 439
Short Note:: 11.49:Forced Lim: 441
Short Note:: 11.50 :What is LTR?. 443
Short Note:: 11.51: Balance of Trade and The Balance of Payments. 443
Short Note:: 11.52: Balance of Trade. 444
Short Note:: 11.53: Balance of Payments: 445
Short Note:: 11.54 : Balance of Payments and Balance of Trade. 448
Short Note:: 11.55: NEGOTIATION OF EXPORT BILL. 448
Short Note:: 11.56: What is lodgement ?. 452
Import and Export Financing. 461
Short Note:: 11.57: FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE: 462
Short Note:: 11.58 : FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVE: 462
Short Note:: 11.59: FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL: 462
Short Note:: 11.60: FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET: 463
Short Note:: 11.61 : EXCHANGE RATE QUOTATION: 463
Short Note:: 11.62: EXCHANGE RATE MANAGEMENT. 464
Short Note:: 11.63: OPERATIONAL EXCHANGE RATE. 466
Short Note:: 11.64: Euro – A NEW CURRENCY. 469
Short Note:: 11.65: EPZ-A New Horizon for Investors. 470
Short Note:: 11.66: DEALING ROOM OPERATIONS. 477
Short Note:: 11.67: Purchase of Foreign Bills under D/P and D/A bills: 479
Short Note:: 11.68: IMPORT FINANCING: 480
Short Note:: 11.69:EXPORT FINANCING: 481
Short Note:: 11.70:Documentary collection: 483
Letters of Credit vs Documentary Collection in International Business Transactions. 485
Letters of Credit in a Nutshell 485
Documentary Collection in a Nutshell 485
When to Use Letters of Credit vs. Documentary Collection. 485
Negotiation under reserve. 486
Exporters’ Retention Quota (ERQ). 488
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP): 489
What Is a Claused Bill of Lading?. 490
What is Money Laundering?. 490
Short Note:: 11.78:Authorised dealer in Foreign Exchange: 490
Short Note:: 11.79:Documents Against Payment : 491
Short Note:: 11.80:The gold standard : 492
Short Note:: 11.81:Export Policy Bangladesh. 494
Export Policy – Implementation strategy. 495
Short Note:: 11.82:Open position : 496
Short Note:: 11.83:International trade : 496
Short Note:: 11.84:of International Trade. 497
Short Note:: 11.85:Meaning is International Trade. 498
Short Note:: 11.86: Advantages of International Trade. 498
Short Note:: 11.87:Disadvantages of International Trade. 499
Short Note:: 11.88:Financial Derivatives: 500
Short Note:: 11.89: Advantages of Derivatives. 501
Short Note:: 11.90:Disadvantages of Derivatives. 502
Short Note:: 11.91: Value date on foreign trade. 503
Short Note:: 11.92:What Is Offshore?. 504
Short Note:: 11.93: Received for Shipment Bill of Lading. 504
Short Note:: 11.94: Received for shipment B/L. 504
Short Note:: 11.95: A correspondent bank : 505
Short Note:: 11.96: Documentary frauds in foreign trade : 506
Short Note:: 11.97: Functions of Treasury Front Office: 508
Short Note:: 11.98: Functions of Treasury Mid Office: 508
Short Note:: 11.99: Functions of Treasury Back Office: 508
Short Note:: 11.100: Deal Slip: 509
Short Note:: 11.101: Counterparty Limits: 509
Short Note:: 11.102: Triggers: 510
Short Note:: 11.103: Stop Loss Orders: 510
Short Note:: 11.104: Dealing Limits: 510
Short Note:: 11.105: The key risk areas of a financial institution: 511
Short Note:: 11.106: Market Risk. 512
Short Note:: 11.107: Liquidity Risk. 513
Short Note:: 11.108: Compliance Risk. 513
Short Note:: 11.109 : Reputational and Fraud Risk. 515
Short Note:: 11.110: Credit Risk. 515
Short Note:: 11.111: Operational Risk. 515
Short Note:: 11.112: Operational and legal risk management relating to settlement: 516
Short Note:: 11.113: Pre-settlement risk: 516
Short Note:: 11.114: Spot Foreign Exchange. 517
Short Note:: 11.115: Forward Foreign Exchange. 517
Short Note:: 11.116: Forex Options. 517
Short Note:: 11.117: Forex Swaps. 518
Short Note:: 11.118: Cross Currency Swaps. 519
Short Note:: 11.119: Interest Rate Swaps. 520
Short Note:: 11.120: Interest Rate Cap and Collar. 521
Short Note:: 11.121:Restrictions on dealing in Foreign Exchange. 521
Short Note:: 11.122: Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1947. 522
Short Note:: 11.123: Exchange Rate Management System.. 524
Short Note:: 11.124: Full and Partial Convertibility. 525
Short Note:: 11.125: Precondition for Implementation of Convertibility. 525
Short Note:: 11.126 :Methods of International Payment. 525
Short Note:: 11.127: Import Process. 527
Short Note:: 11.128: Import Finance. 528
Short Note:: 11.129: Procedure for Obtaining Export Registration Certificate (ERC). 529
Short Note:: 11.130 : Export Financing. 529
Short Note:: 11.131: Export Promotion Bureau (EPB): 532
Short Note:: 11.132 : Cash Incentives. 532
Short Note:: 11.133: Limit of Export Credit. 533
Short Note:: 11.134: Export Development Fund. 533
Short Note:: 11.135: Export Credit Guarantee Scheme. 533
Short Note:: 11.136 : Regulation on Exports from Bangladesh. 534
Short Note:: 11.137: Controls on Exports from Bangladesh. 535
Short Note:: 11.138 :Export Claims. 536
Short Note:: 11.139: Capital Account Convertibility. 536
Short Note:: 11.140: Cash Incentives. 537
Short Note :: 11.141: Exporters’ Retention Quota (ERQ) Account. 538
Short Note:: 11:142: Commercially Important Persons (CIP). 539
Short Note::11: 143:Bonded Warehouse Facility: 540
Short Note :: 11: 144: Discounting a Bill of Exchange. 541
Short Note :: 11: 145 :Advantages for the Seller in D/P and D/A Transactions. 541
Short Note :: 11: 146: Recourse for Dishonored Bills of Exchange. 542
Short Note :: 11: 147: DEFINITION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 542
Short Note :: 11: 148: Airway bill / Air consignment note. 542
Short Note :: 11: 149: REPO (Repurchase agreement). 544
Short Note :: 11: 150: Advantages and disadvantages of financing imports under LTR. 547
Short Note :: 11: 151: The International Development Association (IDA). 548
Briefly distinguish between the following terms: 553
Briefly distinguish between the following terms: 559
Briefly distinguish between the following terms: 565
Difference between Letters of Credit vs. Documentary Collection. 569