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Bangladesh Commerce Bank

Bangladesh Commerce Bank

Bangladesh Commerce Bank
Bangladesh Commerce Bank

Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited

Registered Name Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited  
Legal Status Public Limited Company  

Bangladesh Commerce Bank
Bangladesh Commerce Bank
Established 1998  
Type Private Bank  
Category Commercial Bank  
Origin Local Bank  
Services ·          Retail Banking

·          Corporate Banking

·          SME Banking

·          Agricultural Banking

·          NRB Services

·          Loand and Advances

·          Western Union

·          MoneyGram

·          Xpress Money

·          IME

·          Locker Service

More Resources :  
Corporate Address Eunoos Trade Centre, 52-53 Dilkusha C/A, Motijheel, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.  
Telephone +880 2 9571581, 9559831-2, 9563757  
Fax +880 2 9568218  
E-mail Address info@bcblbd.com  
Website www.bcblbd.com  
Code 030  
Service Hours Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Branch Name District Address
Barisal Barishal Elahi Tower, Holding 523, Ward 8, Bazar Road, Barisal
Batajor Barishal Batajor Bazar, Gournadi, Barisal
Bogra Bogura 99/1-B Borogola, Bogra 5800
Agrabad Chattogram Jibon Bima Bhaban, 56 Agrabad C/A, Chittagong
Chaktai Chattogram 68 Rajakhali Road, New Chaktai, Chittagong 4000
Dewanhat Chattogram Ahmed Mansion, 1128 Sheikh Mujib Road, Dewanhat, Chittagong
Jubilee Road Chattogram Imam Gazzali Market, 30 Jublee Road, Chittagong
Khatunganj Chattogram SW Tower, 304 Lama Bazar, Kotwali, Khatunganj, Chittagong
Muradpur Chattogram House 73/74, Ward 7, CDA Avenue, Muradpur, Chittagong
Comilla Cumilla 35/32 Zilla School Road, Kandirpar, Comilla
Kangshanagar Bazar Cumilla Kangshanagar Bazar, Burichang, Comilla 3520
Bandura Dhaka Puraton Bandura, Nawabganj, Dhaka
Banglabazar Dhaka 52 North Brook Hall Road, Banglabazar, Dhaka 1100
Bangshal Dhaka 141 Lutfor Rahman Lane, North South Road, Bangshal, Dhaka 1100
Bijoynagar Dhaka Al-Raji Complex, 166/167 Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani, Bijoynagar, Dhaka
Dhamrai Dhaka Keyetpara, Dhamrai Bazar, Dhaka
Dholaikhal Dhaka 23 Goal Ghat Lane, Wari, Dholaikhal, Dhaka 1100
Dilkusha Dhaka Boliadi Mansion, 16 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka 1000
Foreign Exchange Dhaka Surma Tower, 59/2 Purana Paltan, Dhaka 1000
Green Road Dhaka Hossain Tower, 75 Green Road, Farmgate, Dhaka
Gulshan Dhaka Landview Commercial Complex, 28 Gulshan North C/A, Gulshan Circle 2, Dhaka 1212
Kathgora Bazar Dhaka Hazi Nujomuddin Super Market, Kathgora Bazar, Jirabo, Ashulia, Dhaka
Khilgaon Dhaka Nahar Tower, Plot 290/3, Block A, Railgate, Khilgaon, Dhaka 1219
Merajnagar Dhaka Merajnagar Supper Market, Shaympur, Kadomtoli, Dhaka 1362
Mirpur Dhaka Plot 2, Avenue 6, Section 1, Mirpur, Dhaka 1216
Mouchak Dhaka Maruf Market, 238/1 Outer Circular Road, Malibagh, Dhaka 1217
Moulvibazar Dhaka 40 Imamganj, Moulvibazar, Dhaka 1100
Pragati Sarani Dhaka Zakir Complex, KA/218 Pragati Sarani, Kuril Chowrasta, Dhaka
Principal Dhaka Taranga Complex, 19 Rajuk Avenue, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000
Savar Dhaka Islam Plaza, 63/14 Bazar Road, Savar, Dhaka
Uttara Dhaka House 37, Sector 07, Sonargaon Janapath Road, Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Zigatola Dhaka 25/1 Zigatola, Dhaka 1209
Dinajpur Dinajpur SM Tower, Bahadur Bazar, Dinajpur
Feni Feni Haji Abul Kashem Super Market, House 463, Ward 17, Kamlapatti, Feni
Kaliakoir Gazipur Rajob Ali Super Market, Kaliakoir Bazar, Gazipur
Jessore Jessore Mohsin Super Market, 10 RN Road, Jessore
Daulatpur Khulna 727 Jessore Road, Daulatpur, Khulna 9202
Khulna Khulna 141 Sir Iqbal Road, Khulna 9100
Kopilmuni Bazar Khulna Sorojini Banijjo Biponi Market, Kopil Muni Sohachori Vidda Mondir, Paikgacha, Khulna
Mandari Bazar Lakshmipur Babosayee Samitee Market, Mandari Bazar, Lakshmipur
Shibchar Madaripur 47 Shadar Road, Shibchar, Madaripur
Juri Moulvibazar Hazi Imzad Ali Market, Vobaniganj Bazar, Juri, Moulvibazar
Seedstore Bazar Mymensingh Hobir Bari, Seedstore Bazar, Valuka,Mymensingh
Naogaon Naogaon Kader Manson, Main Road, Naogaon
Sonargaon Narayanganj Salina Plaza, Mograpara, Sonargaon, Narayangang
Tanbazar Narayanganj Islam Super Market, 18 RK Mitra Road, Nimtola, Narayanganj 1400
Sylhet Sylhet Gellariya Shopping & Appartment Complex, West Zinda Bazar, Jallarpar Road, Sylhet
Balla Tangail Balla Bazaar, Battola Kaporpatti, Kalihati, Tangail
Districts Branch Names Routing No.
Barishal Barisal Branch 030060281
Barishal Batajor Branch 030060373
Bogura Bogra Branch 030100370
Chattogram Agrabad Branch 030150133
Chattogram Chaktai Branch 030151758
Chattogram Dewanhat Branch 030152449
Chattogram Jubilee Road Branch 030153648
Chattogram Khatunganj Branch 030154276
Chattogram Muradpur Branch 030155325
Cumilla Comilla Branch 030191363
Cumilla Kangshanagar Bazar Branch 030190272
Dhaka Bandura Branch 030270642
Dhaka Banglabazar Branch 030270826
Dhaka Bangshal Branch 030270884
Dhaka Bijoynagar Branch 030271096
Dhaka Dhamrai Branch 030261156
Dhaka Dholaikhal Branch 030271841
Dhaka Dilkusha Branch 030271904
Dhaka Foreign Exchange Branch 030272329
Dhaka Green Road Branch 030261693
Dhaka Gulshan Branch 030261727
Dhaka Kathgora Bazar Branch 030260094
Dhaka Khilgaon Branch 030273678
Dhaka Merajnagar Branch 030270189
Dhaka Mirpur Branch 030262984
Dhaka Mouchak Branch 030274369
Dhaka Moulvibazar Branch 030274422
Dhaka Pragati Sarani Branch 030263709
Dhaka Principal Branch 030275355
Dhaka Savar Branch 030264090
Dhaka Uttara Branch 030264632
Dhaka Zigatola Branch 030262326
Dinajpur Dinajpur Branch 030280674
Feni Feni Branch 030300525
Gazipur Kaliakoir Branch 030330795
Jessore Jessore Branch 030410949
Khulna Daulatpur Branch 030470705
Khulna Khulna Branch 030471546
Khulna Kopilmuni Bazar Branch 030471304
Lakshmipur Mandari Bazar Branch 030510823
Madaripur Shibchar Branch 030540701
Moulvibazar Juri Branch 030580679
Mymensingh Seedstore Bazar Branch 030612097
Naogaon Naogaon Branch 030641189
Narayanganj Sonargaon Branch 030671696
Narayanganj Tanbazar Branch 030671759
Sylhet Sylhet Branch 030913554

Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited is a private commercial bank. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited is known as a commercial bank. Like all commercial banks BCBL’s core business is obtaining deposit and providing loans. It is a financial institution providing services for businesses, organizations and individuals. Service includes offering different types of deposit account such as current deposit accounts, saving deposit accounts and other scheme accounts as well as giving out loans to businesses and individuals.

All Branches of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited


Professor Dr. Engr. Rashid Ahmed Chowdhury, The Honorable Chairman, Board of Directors of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited (BCB).

Prof. Dr. Engr. Rashid Ahmed Chowdhruy was born in a reputed Muslim family from Agrabad, Chittagong. He completed his SSC from Collegiate High School and HSC from Chittagong College. Dr. Chowdhury obtained Associate in Science (Applied Science) & Associate in Applied Science in Mining Technology (Supervisory) from College of Eastern Utah, Price, USA. He also completed BSME & MBA (Management) from National University, San Diego, California, USA. He has completed his PhD from Chittagong University. He has published numerous articles in international peer reviewed journals and also serves as a Reviewer for ACI (Academic International) and ICICKM (International Conference on Intellectual Capital Knowledge Management).

Prof. Dr. Engr. Rashid Ahmed Chowdhury is a Professor & Chairman of Department of General Management & Management Information System (MIS) in Chittagong Independent University (CIU), where he has been working since 2001. He teaches courses both at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels at CIU and additionally is serving as the Proctor. He has significant work experience in various international multinational companies such as Carbon County Coal Mine Inc. USA, AIM Inc. USA and Wilwen Enterprise, Los Angeles, USA.

Prof. Dr. Engr. Rashid Ahmed Chowdhury has received professional training on Supply Chain Management, Research Methods under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP), Certificate of Completion in Computer Aided Design, Achievement in Mine Rescue, Welding, and Supervisory Training & Labor Management Relation from Los Angeles & College of Eastern Utah, USA.

He presided over the Seminar on Analysis of Future Passengers Car Structure jointly organized by IEB Chittagong and Hokkaido University Japan. He conducted Training Program on Training Fundamentals organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in association with Bangladesh Freight Forwarders Association (BAFFA) Dhaka. He has also attended numerous seminars on various topics such as Storm Water Management Strategies, Design, Modeling and Best Management Practices, Green Wireless Communication Technologies, Disaster, Climate and Costal Vulnerabilities in Bangladesh, Container Terminal Operations and Management, Business Research Methodology and Stock Exchange: How the Trading Takes Place in Chittagong and an International Conference on Business & Information (BAI) in Bangkok, Thailand.

Prof. Dr. Engr. Rashid Ahmed Chowdhury brings a unique blend of academic and industry work experience to his role as Chairman of the Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited.

Mr. Kamrul Hoque Maruf, FCMA

Mr. Kamrul Hoque Maruf, son of late M A Khaleque & Hosne Ara Begum was born in 1974 in a respectable Muslim family of the Manikganj District. He is a Government nominated Director of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. Mr. Kamrul Hoque Maruf is a senior officials of Bangladesh Civil Service (Taxation) Cadre. He achieved B. Com. & M. Com. in Finance from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He also received Masters in Public Policy and Management from University of Melbourne, Australia.

At present, Mr. Kamrul Hoque Maruf is serving as Joint Secretary, Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance of the Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He has served about 22 years in different positions of the Government with multi-furious professional experience. He joined in the Taxation cadre of the Bangladesh Civil Service in 1999 as Assistant Commissioner of Taxes in the National Board of Revenue. He served in the different positions of Field offices of National Board of Revenue as well Ministry level on Bangladesh. He held the positions of (i) Assistant Commissioner of Taxes, Taxes Zone-1, Dhaka and Rajshahi District, (ii) Assistant Commissioner of Customs, Excise and VAT in Rajshahi, Lalmonirhat & Pabna, (iii) Deputy Commissioner of Taxes, Taxes Zone-7, Dhaka, (iv) Second Secretary, National Board of Revenue, (v) Joint Director, Central Intelligence Cell, National Board of Revenue (vi) Director, Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority, (vii) Deputy Secretary and Joint Secretary of Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance respectively.

Mr. Kamrul Hoque Maruf participated in various conferences, workshops and trainings at UK, Australia, Malaysia, China, Germany, Philipines, India etc. He is an adjunct Faculty Member of University of Dhaka and Southeast University. He is also a Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh.


Mr. Mohammed Arshed

Mr. Mohammed Arshed is representing Karnaphuli Prakritik Gas Limited in the Board of Directors of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited. Mr. Md. Arshed is the Chairman of C & A Dietary & Hospitality Ltd. He is the Managing Director of C & A Real Estate Ltd., C & A Energy Ltd., C & A Dairy Ltd., Khalid Enterprise Ltd., C & A Agro Ltd., C & A Court Yard Ltd. and C & A beverage Ltd. He was born on August 03, 1971. After completion of Graduation, he started his career in business. He has got professional experience for more than 10 years. He is the Managing Partner of S & A Bay of Bengal. He travelled many countries on business ground.

Dr.Mohammad Ayub Islam

Dr. Mohammad Ayub Islam is a professor of the Department of Accounting, University of Chittagong. He has been serving as a faculty in the Department since 1988. He is a fellow member of Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship. He has the experience to work as a research fellow and teacher in some other universities like University of Aberdeen, UK, Independent University, Bangladesh, Preston University, USA (Bangladesh Campus) and Royal Roads University (Bangladesh Campus). He acted as a resource person in different training programs. He is the former chairman of the Bureau of Business Research of Chittagong University. He acted as the Chief Editor of the Editorial Board of Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration. He has published more than 30 articles. A book of him titled ‘Forest Resource Management’ is published. He has supervised 10 (ten) Ph.D. students. Dr. Islam was an Independent Director of Chittagong Stock Exchange for 6 years. He worked as a consultant in different World Bank and BOG (Government of Bangladesh) funded projects. He was also a manager of one World Bank Funded project. Dr. Islam is a treasurer of the Accounting Association of Chittagong University. He is associated with Chittagong Club Limited and Ma O Shisu Hospital, Chittagong as a member.



Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam FCA

Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam is representing Honeywell Securities Corporation Limited in the Board of Directors of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited. Md. Shafiqul Islam FCA, is one of the Managing Partners of Shafiq Basak & Co., Chartered Accountants Firm. He was born on January 08, 1958 at Comilla District. He passed B. Com (Hons) in Accounting in the year 1978 from Chittagong University and M. Com in Accounting in the year 1979 from the same University. He is a Professionally Qualified Chartered Accountant and Passed the course from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh in the year 1989. He was the past Chairman of the Chittagong Regional Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh. He is one of the life members of Chittagong Lions Foundation, Chittagong Ma-O Shishu Hospital and SHAHIC of Chittagong.

Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Taher

Dr. Md. Abu Taher, born in 1962 in Chittagong, Bangladesh is a Professor of Management at Chittagong University. Now he is working as member (on deputation) of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Before joining UGC, he had been serving in different positions as the Chairman, Department of Management, University of Chittagong; Dean, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong; Treasurer (on deputation), Bangladesh Open University; and Pro-Vice Chancellor (in Lien), Southeast University, Dhaka; and Chairman (acting) and Director, Board of Directors, Jiban Bima Corporation,Dhaka.

He received higher education in Management at Chittagong University; Inha University (South Korea) and Texas A & M University (USA). He secured first class first in Hons’ (1982) and Masters (1983) examination in Management. The title of Ph.D. dissertation was “State Intervention in Industrial Relations” an important contribution into the colonial and post-colonial third world context. He completed research work at Inha University in South Korea under Jungseok Korean Scholarship. He received highly prestigious senior Fulbright Fellowship awarded by the United States International Agency for Post-Doctoral Program in USA. Professor Taher has been involved in higher education for more than 34 years.

During his teaching career, he also worked in the College of Business Administration at Inha University as a Non-tenure Track Foreign Professor; and Centre for Change and Conflict Resolution (Texas); Korean Academy of Business Ethics (Seoul) as visiting faculty. His special field of interest is HRM, HRD, Conflict Management and Industrial Relations.

He authored and co-authored 15 books of Hons’ and Master’s Level. He has to his credit over 87 (Eighty seven) research papers published in several refereed journals at home and abroad. Apart from teaching, he completed some research projects funded by World Bank, International Labor Organization (ILO); access 2 Information; British Council; University Grants Commission; Commonwealth of Learning (COL); Social Science Research Council; Ministry of Planning; GoB as a HR Consultant/ Project Director / Research Fellow/Sub-Project Manager/ Trainee Verifier. He also attended many International Conference and symposia hosted by distinguished institutions like AHRD (USA) USIS, ILO, AMDISA, EAHR (Texas), BEA, KABE (Seoul), AAOU, CEMCA, World Business Institute (Australia) as a participant/ paper presenter/ facilitator/ session chair/ keynote speaker.

As an active academic, Professor Taher has been involved in promoting and organizing a few Private Universities as an Academic Advisor like Port City International University, Notre Dame University of Bangladesh etc. He has also been Editor and Chief Editor of two referred journals and members of editorial board in many refereed journals at national
and international levels.

He has been teaching the HRM major courses at Chittagong University and some Private Universities for quite a long time. He widely lectured and provided consultancy services to different business organizations on the issues of HRM and Labor Laws. He visited USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Philippines, France, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, North Korea and SAARC Countries on academic and research purposes.

Family is extremely important in Professor Taher’s life. He is blessed with one daughter and two sons.

Mr. Humayun Bokhteyar FCA

Mr. Humayun Bokhteyar FCA was born in a respectable Muslim family of Satkania, Chittagong. He became Chartered Accountant in 1991.

Mr. Humayun Bokhteyar FCA is the Founder and Managing Partner of public Accounting and Auditing firm M/s Bokhteyar Humayun & Co., Chartered Accountants. Before joining here he was head of Corporate Finance of Padma Group of Companies, Finance Manager of Bangladesh Thai Aluminum Ltd., Assistant General Manager of Purobi General Insurance Co. Ltd. and Article Student & Audit Supervisor of M Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants.

He is Associate of Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants and Associate of Cost and Executive Accountants (ACEA) UK. Have long senior level financial management experience with services and manufacturing sectors in Bangladesh and Australia. Have expertise in Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing, Taxation, Company Law & Secretarial services.

Served as Chairman Board Risk Management Committee, Member Board Executive Committee and Audit Committee of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.

Attended a number of Seminars/Workshops/Meetings relevant to Accounting, Fiscal, Auditing, Management Islamic & Micro Finance in Australia, Switzerland, Italy, UK, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Mr. Md. Tajul Islam

Mr. Md. Tajul Islam joined as the Managing Director and CEO of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited (BCBL) on 13th March, 2022. Prior to his joining in BCBL, he was the Managing Director of the state-owned Karmasangsthan Bank, Deputy Managing Director of Janata Bank Ltd. and Additional Managing Director of Social Islami Bank Ltd. He started his banking career in 1988 as a Senior Officer at Janata Bank after obtaining Bachelor’s (Honors) and Master’s degrees in Public Administration from Chittagong University. In his academic career, he secured places in the merit list of all examinations. During his tenure of service at Janata Bank Ltd, he served as manager of different branches both at home & abroad for about 23 years and 6 years as General Manager and Deputy Managing Director. In this journey, he visited the UAE, Singapore, Philippines, and India to participate in various workshops, seminars, & trainings. Beside his professional life Mr. Tajul Islam keeps himself engaged with various social activities through numbers of organizations.

He is a life member of Chittagong University Alumni Association, Chittagong University Public Administration Alumni Association, Chittagong University Students Association Batch-83, Sitakunda Samity, Chattogram and Institute of Bankers Bangladesh. Mr. Md. Tajul Islam was born on 20 June 1962 in Banshbaria village under Sitakunda upazila of Chattogram district.